The 2020-2025 Strategic Sustainability Plan confirms the Group’s commitment to sustainable development and how environmental and social responsibility are an increasingly integral part of the business model. The Plan focuses on five strategic priorities: climate change and biodiversity, circular economy, responsible sourcing, valuing diversity and supporting local communities.
For each strategic priority, the Group has defined a set of commitments based on an analysis of the areas where the Group can maximise positive and minimise negative impacts, also taking into consideration the challenges posed by the sector as well as the expectations of the financial community and clients.
The Plan includes Greenhouse gas emissions science-based targets, the commitment to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050, as well as the recycling of nylon production fabric scraps at Group sites and supply chain, the use of over 50% of yarns and fabrics from lower-impact materials, i.e. those that are recycled, organic, regenerative or certified to specific standards, by 2025. The Sustainability Plan also targets the traceability of raw materials and the continuous improvement of social and environmental standards throughout the supply chain through close collaboration with its business partners. Moreover, the plan encompasses dedicated internal and external awareness-raising initiatives aimed at fostering and enhancing diversity while promoting an ever more inclusive
culture, in addition to obtaining the Equal Pay certification. Moncler Group is further committed to supporting local communities through impactful social projects and to protecting the most vulnerable children and families from the cold. In identifying the Plan’s strategic drivers and relative commitments, the priorities set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) were also taken into account, thereby contributing to achieving them.
Of the 17 macro goals described in the SDGs (such as combating inequality and fighting climate change), the Group contributes to 11 of them directly or through organisations with which it collaborates.
The Sustainability Unit, in collaboration with the heads of the relevant departments, identifies areas for improvement and the relevant projects and, on this basis, formulates a draft for the Sustainability Plan (planning phase).
The Plan is then submitted to the Strategic Committee of Moncler and Stone Island, which analyse its content and feasibility. In the final stage, the Plan is evaluated by the Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee, which verifies its consistency with the Group’s strategy and expresses its opinion to the Board of Directors, responsible for formal approval. Responsibility for achieving the objectives set out in the
Sustainability Plan lies with the officers of the departments involved, who have the resources, tools and know-how necessary for its implementation (management phase). Within the MBO (Management By Objectives) system, social and environmental targets related to the achievement of the Sustainability Plan are set for everyone involved in the implementation of the Plan itself. With regard to medium-/long-term incentive plans, the share plan performance indicators, starting from the “2020 Performance Shares Plan”, also include an ESG Performance Indicator, linked to the achievement of specific
objectives of the Sustainability Plan. To ensure compliance with the commitments made, the Sustainability Unit requests regular progress reports on the projects from the various functions and, in turn, informs the Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee with six-monthly frequency (control phase).
The Plan is then updated annually in order to report on the state of implementation of the projects and to set new objectives with a view to continuous improvement, in the awareness that sustainability is not a destination, but a process of continuous improvement.
✓ Target achieved ▸ Target on time ○ Target delayed
2050 2023 RESULTS
▸ -36% vs 2022 absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions CO2e
▸ -8% vs 2022 absolute scope 3 CO2e emissions (-3% vs 2022 scope 3 CO2e emissions per product unit sold) | ||
*Excluding shops-in-shops. 2023 RESULTS
✓ Carbon neutrality maintained in directly managed corporate sites worldwide (offices, stores, production sites and logistics hub)
✓ 100% of electricity used at directly managed corporate sites worldwide from renewable sources (~90% in 2022)
▸ Approximately 85% hybrid and electric vehicles in the Group’s corporate car fleet worldwide
✓ LEED for Building Design and Construction certification obtained for the expansion of the production site in Romania
▸ Continued the LEED certification process at the Group’s new stores worldwide
✓ Neutralised unavoidable residual emissions through two projects certified on the voluntary market and focusing respectively on circular economy and renewable energy | ||
✓ Continued the energy assessment process throughout the supply chain to identify concrete actions to reduce energy consumption and related CO2 emissions and to promote the use of energy from renewable sources |