Moncler is committed to operating in an ethical and principled way, and asks and expects its i) employees, executives and collaborators worldwide (including interns, volunteers, trainees and coordinated and continuous collaborators), ii) third party partners, such as contractors, suppliers, consultants, temporary workers and self-employed professionals, iii) wholesale and retail customers, and iv) members of Corporate Bodies, persons with functions of administration, management, control, supervision and representation (including de facto) of the Company and shareholders, to behave in compliance with:

  • • the Moncler Group’s Code of Ethics and the Group’s values;
  • • the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001;
  • • the Anti-corruption Policy;
  • • the Code of Conduct for Suppliers;
  • • the Company’s system of powers and assignments;
  • • other Policies and internal procedures (such as: Health and Safety Policy, Environmental Policy, etc.);
  • • applicable laws and regulations.

To achieve this, Moncler has implemented rules and a whistleblowing process to provide potential Whistleblowers a secure and confidential channel to report potential non-compliance with ethical standards, Moncler principles or applicable laws and regulations.

Moncler encourages you to speak up in good faith and will not tolerate malicious or harassing allegations. Disciplinary action may be taken against anyone who abuses the Procedure.

Moncler recognises that there may be some circumstances in which the Whistleblower would prefer to transmit a Report anonymously through the channels specified in the Procedure.
Moncler will consider and analyse anonymous Reports after checking:

  • • the gravity of the issue raised;
  • • its credibility;
  • • the probability that the event be confirmed by reliable sources.

Moncler has adopted an IT platform managed by a specialised third party that guarantees professionalism, discretion, and compliance with local laws that protect the privacy of the Whistleblower, of the Reported Person, of any third parties/witnesses mentioned, and of the events described in the Report. The platform is certified according to the “TRUSTe” international standard.


As an alternative method the Whistleblower can write a letter and send it to the following address:

Whistleblowing Moncler Group; c/o Industries S.p.A. - Internal Audit Director;

Via Solari 33

or request for a face-to-face meeting with the Manager of the Whistleblowings.

In special circumstances for Italian/European companies (please refer to Art. 11 Whistleblowing Procedure), escalation may be made through one of the external channels provided (ANAC, Complaint to the Judicial Authority, Public Disclosure).