Transparent and constant dialogue is at the base of any relationship built on trust. It is a key element to foster shared growth, fruitful collaboration and mutual satisfaction.

The Group is attentive to dialogue with its suppliers and to share best practices both on technical aspects related to business activities and on aspects aimed at promoting responsible behaviour. Dialogue is established through various channels, ranging from daily meetings to institutional events.
Interactions with technicians and inspectors from Moncler and Stone Island to oversee various production activities take place daily. Meetings with company experts aim to provide specialised support at all stages of production processes to transfer technical knowledge and resolve any critical issues. The technical team for outerwear garments has been reinforced over the years to ensure a more extensive presence at façon manufacturers in Italy and abroad, increasing the already numerous checks on quality and progress of work across the line of production. Periodically, Group technicians attend company meetings in

order to analyse the sample collection, share industrialization standards, results achieved in the previous season, and goals for the upcoming one.
To offer an additional tool for dialogue and to facilitate the exchange of information and documentation, a web portal entirely dedicated to Moncler suppliers has been active since 2017 and was extended to Stone Island suppliers in 2022. Through the portal, the supplier can directly access communications and documents, including the Code of Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct and related guidelines. In 2023, the training and capacity-building programme was reinforced. In particular, Code of Ethics training continued through an ad hoc training module on the supplier portal. The course includes a section on human rights principles, which is mandatory for all suppliers registering on the portal. Given the importance of the issue, the Group has launched an important collaboration with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITCILO) to develop ad hoc training and information courses on human rights issues for both suppliers and employees of Moncler and

Stone Island. The training, launched in 2023, has been made available to all suppliers and employees of the Group, with specific involvement from the Supply Chain and Procurement departments. The course, which will be updated annually, has also been translated into all the languages relevant to the Group, to ensure it can be used by all interested parties. Furthermore, training and capacity-building activities on the living wage topic and on the relevance of energy efficiency mechanisms and promotion of renewable energy along the supply chain have continued, involving a total of 24 suppliers throughout the year.

During 2023, awareness-raising activities on ethical, social and environmental issues continued with some suppliers and subcontractors (both façon manufacturers and raw materials suppliers), and the Company guidelines on compliance and sustainability continued to be spread by sharing technical, chemical and performance specifications, both during daily activity and through ad hoc video conferences.