The Moncler Group considers it very important to maintain a constant and solid relationship with all its stakeholders. A relationship based on continuous dialogue and active involvement is the expression of the Group’s responsibility towards the social context with which it interacts.
Stakeholders represent a wide range of different interests: establishing and maintaining stable, long-lasting relationships is crucial for the creation of shared, long-term value.
Understanding specific needs and priorities allows Moncler and Stone Island to manage in advance potential challenges and refine their actions in response to stakeholder interests. Precisely identifying their stakeholders and organising the most effective channels, constantly monitoring their expectations, needs and opinions, are the starting point for setting

up an effective engagement process.
Through dedicated functions, the Group pursues a proactive approach to the many stakeholders with which it constantly interacts around the world, promoting constant dialogue and embracing their needs. Both Brands are aware that these occasions for dialogue are mutual opportunities for growth and enrichment. In recent years the Group has been committed to redesigning new approaches to dialogue with the aim of interacting with its community in an increasingly digital native way.
The following table, which maps the stakeholders, along with their expectations, is updated periodically through internal surveys with the company departments responsible for daily management of relations with each specific category.








People satisfaction survey, MONVoice


Ongoing dialogue with the Human Resources Department


Annual meetings to discuss growth path, set individual goals and discuss performance assessment


Meetings with the corporate population to circulate results and future objectives


Townhall on DE&I topics


Meetings to raise awareness and provide information on health and well-being


Training meetings and digital courses, Make


Company intranet and newsletter plan




MINE corporate platform


Onboarding programs for new employees


Volunteering programmes


Information on the Group’s strategies and results


Responsible business management


Clear objectives and reward system


Training and professional development


Stimulating, safe working environment


Equal opportunities. Diversity and inclusion


Engagement in company life


Promotion of well-being, health and safety



Trade union organisations,
employee representatives


Meetings with trade union representatives


Responsible business management


Involvement and timely information on issues relevant to the company population


Update on the progress of in-company training



End client


Direct, ongoing relationship with sales personnel


Client service


Interactions via phone, mail, email and social media


Creation of customised initiatives and experiences


Market research and focus groups


Systematic collection of client feedback (VIBE)


Product quality, safety and durability


Products manufactured respecting the environment, people and animals


Style, uniqueness, innovation and a complete product range


High level of service during and after sales


Competent, professional and empathetic sales personnel


Personalised shopping and interaction experiences



Wholesale clients


Training meetings


Ongoing dialogue via phone or email


Visits to stores


University testimonials


Product quality and innovation


Safety and transparency in environmental, social and animal welfare aspects throughout the supply chain


Brand reputation



Suppliers and business partners


Daily interactions


Institutional meetings


Setting and sharing of standards


Seasonal and annual training


Dedicated portal


Continuity of supply


Compliance with contractual conditions


Involvement in the definition of supply standards, including social and environmental criteria, and timeliness in announcing new requirements


Collaboration and support in managing any production issues



Local communities


Meetings with representatives of associations, organisations and local communities


Identification of initiatives or projects managed directly or in collaboration


Support or funding initiatives


Support for awareness-raising activities



Investors and analysts

(traditional and sustainability)


Shareholders’ Meeting


Conference calls or periodic meetings following significant communications


Price-sensitive communications and information


Seminars, industry conferences, roadshows and meetings


Daily dialogue (meetings, telephone and email)


Institutional website


Questionnaires on sustainability performance


Consolidation and strengthening of knowledge of the Group and its business model


Value creation (return on investment and business sustainability)


Transparent, accountable management


Timeliness and open dialogue


Adequate management of risks, including social and environmental risks





Press days


Interviews with top management


Press conferences


Media plan


Ongoing dialogue


Fashion shows/events


Ad-hoc meetings and events


Institutional website


Availability, timeliness and accuracy of information


Information on trends in future seasons



Local authorities, public authorities, regulators, trade associations and non-governmental organisations


Ad-hoc meetings


Participation in working groups


Identification and development of joint projects


Participation in publicly beneficial projects


Inclusion of environmental, social and animal welfare aspects in the company’s strategies and procurement system


Communication of corporate objectives relating to environmental, social and animal welfare aspects


Active participation in discussion roundtables


Efficient use of raw materials


Sustainability elements in new stores

Relations with organisations, institutions and associations

The Moncler Group believes in dialogue and participation and takes part in multiple organisations, associations and discussion tables both at national and international level with a contribution of about 530,000 euros, in line with 2022. There are various areas of activity, from the promotion of Italian fashion and its sustainability performances to the fight against counterfeiting, the protection of the brand, the promotion of women’s talent, innovation as well as support in the development of amendments to national and international standards.
Here below are the main associations in which the Group participates:

AIR (Associazione Italiana Investor Relations): a non-profit association that aims to promote the professional role of the Investor Relations Officer and the quality of financial communication between companies and the financial community.

Anti-Counterfeiting Group (ACG): a non-profit association that aims to protect consumers from counterfeiting through training programmes and the establishment of a collaborative environment between companies and the main local authorities (approximately 3,400 euros).
ECCK (European Chamber of Commerce in Korea): a Korean association dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests and companies based in the countries of the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) active in South Korea. The association focuses on: facilitating dialogue with local governments; collecting and sharing information on business, economic and regulatory developments; and lobbying to strengthen and reaffirm the local government’s commitment to combating counterfeiting in physical and online markets.

Assonime: an association of Italian joint-stock companies that works to improve industrial, commercial, administrative and tax legislation in Italy, with particular regard to company regulations, conducts studies and publications, and represents the point of view of businesses in relations with Italian, European and international institutions.

Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana: an association that aims to promote and coordinate the Italian fashion sector and train young Italian designers.
Club 231: an initiative aimed at fostering the discussion of new legislation on Legislative Decree 231/2001, favouring the exchange of knowledge and skills gained in the business and law sector as well as in the academic field.
Fondazione Altagamma: a foundation that brings together companies from Italy’s cultural and creative industries, recognised as true ambassadors of Italian style to the world. Its mission is to contribute to their growth and competitiveness.
INDICAM: an association for the fight against counterfeiting, active on several fronts, including the spread of a culture of anti-counterfeiting among operators, public authorities and the general public; the improvement of anti-counterfeiting legislation; and collective investigations among its members in cooperation with Italian diplomatic authorities for the protection of brands abroad (5,900 euros).
PREVILINE ASSISTANCE (Intercompany Welfare Fund for companies that are clients of the Assicurazioni GENERALI S.p.A. Group): a national association open to companies, which pursues welfare purposes for its members, through the provision of benefits in both the form of mutual aid and insurance policy, by signing agreements with insurance companies.

SNB-REACT (Coöperatieve Vereniging SNB-REACT): a non-profit association that promotes measures against counterfeiting.

Union des Fabricants (Unifab): a French association active in the protection of intellectual property rights. The association, which is also present in Tokyo and Beijing, supports its members in combating counterfeiting in Asia and in managing relations with local authorities.
Unione degli industriali della provincia di Padova: a national association aimed at improving the competitiveness of the local manufacturing system through the development of infrastructures, the promotion of the transfer of knowledge and a modern work culture,

a strong spirit of individual and collective initiative, innovation and applied research.
Valore D: an Italian association of large companies committed to supporting and promoting women’s leadership and talent as a valuable contribution to business growth (8,000 euros).
By participating in the aforementioned associations and others, the Group commits to support some particularly important topics for the business and the industry, such as industrial and production topics in the fashion industry (through various associations, the Group provides a contribution of over 103,000 euros) and ESG topics in the fashion industry (through various associations the Group provides a contribution of approximately 303,000 euros).
Furthermore, since 2019, Moncler has been a member of The Fashion Pact, a coalition of leading global companies of the fashion and textile industry that, together with suppliers and distributors, are committed to achieving shared goals focused on three main areas: fighting global warming, restoring biodiversity and protecting oceans. Within The Fashion Pact, Moncler was present, during its three-year term, in the Steering Committee, a committee of various CEOs of member brands, aimed at maintaining an open dialogue between company executives and openly sharing ideas, guidelines and progress, and continues to sit on the Operations Committee, the body that identifies the actions, working groups and awareness-raising activities to be implemented in order to achieve the priorities set by the Steering Committee.
Relations between the Moncler Group and political parties and their representatives are guided by the highest principles of transparency and ethics, as stated in the Codes of Ethics of both Brands.
In 2023 the Moncler Group did not make contributions to political parties, lobbying activities or any other activities beyond those with associative purposes. The political commitments and contributions made by the Group’s employees are understood to be personal and entirely voluntary.


The Group is aware of the importance of building partnerships and collaborations with academia, civil society, institutions and businesses with the aim of joining forces, creating new synergies and increasing opportunities to fight climate change. In this regard, over the last few years the Group has joined associations committed on this front, including: The Fashion Pact, a coalition that includes among its main objectives the fight against climate change and that is committed to train and inform, and support its member companies in the processes of transformation and innovation required to reduce their environmental impacts; Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, which is engaged in advocacy activities with all Italian brands to promote a responsible and sustainable fashion that is based on, among

other things, principles for reducing the environmental impact of business activities; Fondazione Altagamma, which promotes reduction of environmental impact among its members; and Re.Crea, a consortium founded to responsibly organise the management of textile and fashion products end-of-life and to promote the research and development of innovative recycling solutions, also with the purpose of reducing the environmental impact of such processes.
By joining these associations in all the countries in which it operates, the Moncler Group takes a position aligned with the principles set out in its Environmental Policy, which is inspired by the 2015 Paris Agreement, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the European Green Deal, the Global Compact and the objectives described in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Chief Marketing & Corporate Strategy Officer is responsible for effective application of these principles and periodically updates, together with the Sustainability Unit, the Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee. The Sustainability Unit also has to monitor, on a constant basis, the alignment of the commitments of these associations with those of the Group. Moncler believes this alignment is essential to the collective achievement of the challenging goals that these associations set themselves and is committed to proactively promote its environmental ambitions in the event of any misalignment with the associations of which it is a member may emerge. The Group engages in lobbying activities through industry associations, while not excluding the residual possibility to interact directly with institutions following the framework described previously to ensure that the activities and decisions taken are in line with the Group Environmental Policy.

As a multinational Group that firmly believes in sustainability, the Moncler Group is committed to contributing to the achievement
of the goals published in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development signed by the 193 member states of the United Nations (UN). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

set out the priorities for contributing to global development, promoting human wellbeing, and protecting the environment. The SDGs call for joint global action between governments, businesses, and society, and aim at mobilising all efforts around a common set of goals to be achieved by 2030.

Of the 17 macro objectives described in the SDGs (such as ending poverty, fighting inequality and tackling climate change), the Group contributes to eleven of them directly or through organisations with which it collaborates.
The targets related to the SDGs are clearly indicated in the Sustainability Plan.

Moncler considers collaboration and different experiences to be fundamental values to achieve common objectives, not only in the creative sphere, but also for responsible and sustainable development. Since 2019, Moncler has been a member of The Fashion Pact, a coalition of leading global companies of the fashion and textile industry that, together with suppliers and

distributors, are committed to achieving shared goals focused on three main areas: fighting global warming, restoring biodiversity and protecting oceans. Within The Fashion Pact, Moncler was present, during its three-year term, in the Steering Committee, a committee of various CEOs of member brands, aimed at maintaining an open dialogue between company executives and openly

sharing ideas, guidelines and progress, and continues to sit on the Operations Committee, the body that identifies the actions, working groups and awareness-raising activities to be implemented in order to achieve the priorities set by the Steering Committee.