In order to further integrate sustainability into its business, the Moncler Group has implemented a governance that involves the interaction of various bodies dedicated to supervising and managing social and environmental topics.
The Sustainability Unit is responsible for proposing the Group’s sustainability strategy, identifying, promptly reporting to senior management and handling together with the relevant functions the risks and impacts linked to sustainability topics, including those relating to climate change, biodiversity and human rights, as well as for identifying areas and projects for improvement, thereby contributing to the creation of long-term value. It also prepares the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement and spreads a culture of sustainability within the Group. Lastly, the Unit promotes dialogue with stakeholders and, together with the Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations function, promotes dialogue with institutional investors and stakeholders in general and handles information requests from sustainability rating agencies and socially responsible investors (SRIs).
“Ambassadors” have been identified within each corporate department; they are tasked with raising awareness of social and environmental issues
among the departments in which they operate and promoting sustainability initiatives consistent with the Group’s objectives. In addition, Sustainability Data Owners are responsible, each for their respective area, for data and information published in the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement and for achieving the objectives set out in the Sustainability Plan.
As further confirmation that sustainability is a shared approach promoted by senior management, a Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee is established at Board level. The Committee is composed of three non-Executive Directors, the majority of whom are independent. The Committee was entrusted by the Board of Directors with supervising sustainability topics, including the related risks and impacts, connected to the conduct of business activity and the dynamics of its interaction with stakeholders, formulating strategic sustainability guidelines and the relevant action plan (Sustainability Plan), including topics such as climate change, biodiversity and human rights, and examining the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement.
The main sustainability topics analysed are periodically submitted to the Board of Directors, after consultation with the Control, Risks and
Sustainability Committee, in order to:
• assess and approve the guidelines of the internal control and risk management system so that the main risks, including sustainability risks (such as those related to climate change, linked to biodiversity and human rights), are correctly identified, measured, managed and monitored;
• review and approve the strategic sustainability guidelines and related action plan (Sustainability Plan), which includes objectives linked to climate change, the energy transition and the protection of human rights;
• review and approve the Non-Financial Statement and the materiality analysis;
• review and approve the Remuneration Report, which provides for the integration of sustainability objectives into the remuneration system (both short- and medium-/long-term) and the consequent alignment of top management remuneration with the company’s sustainability strategy, which includes targets related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
• in general, overseeing sustainability topics (including those related to climate change, biodiversity and human rights) related to the Group’s activity and its interactions with stakeholders.
In 2023 Moncler has been confirmed for the fifth year in a row in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe indices, achieving the highest score (89/100) of the Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods sector in the 2022 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment* (as of 7 February 2024).
In the 2023 CDP** Climate Change Questionnaire, the Group achieved the top score (A) in CDP’s worldwide ranking for its leadership in transparency and management of climate change
related topics.
In 2023, the Group has also been confirmed as a leading company on Supplier Engagement Leaderboard, for taking action to measure and reduce climate risk within its supply chain.
In 2023 Moncler also obtained the maximum AAA score (AA in 2022) from MSCI ESG Research***, which provides sustainability ratings for listed international companies and some private companies by evaluating them on their exposure to
industry specific ESG risks and their ability to manage those risks in comparison to sector peers.
Moncler also ranked second in the Specialised Retail Europe sector in the ESG Overall Score ranking of Moody’s ESG Solutions, with a score of 65/100, achieving the “Advanced” level.
In January 2024, Sustainalytics**** confirmed Moncler’s Industry Top-Rated Badge and Regional Top-Rated Badge for its sustainability performance.
* S&P Global is a leading global rating, benchmark and analytics company, according to economic, social and environmental responsibility criteria.
** CDP is a non-profit organisation that manages the main international environmental reporting database. Its assessments are taken into great account by the financial community to guide investment decisions. To assess the more than 21,000 companies participating in its annual Climate Change questionnaire, CDP uses a detailed, independent methodology, assigning a score from A to D, on the basis of completeness of information, awareness, risk management and best practices implemented, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets.
*** MSCI ESG Research provides in-depth research, assessment and analysis on business practices related to environmental, social and governance issues to offer institutional investors insights to identify risks and opportunities that traditional methods of investment may overlook. The rating scale ranges from AAA (leader) to CCC (laggard).
**** Sustainalytics is a leading ESG and Corporate Governance rating and research firm that supports investors in developing and implementing responsible investment strategies.