The recruitment and selection process, along with the evaluation and employees engagement, are of great importance to the Moncler Group, aware of the importance of people’s contribution to the creation of long-term value.
The current constantly changing and evolving scenario requires new skills, professionalism and flexibility. The Group aims to create an international workplace that fosters the sharing of ideas and experiences to stimulate creativity and innovation. It focuses on empowering employees by providing them with personal and professional development opportunities to support the achievement of its strategic goals. Selection and hiring processes therefore play a key role in implementing recruitment campaigns based on objectivity, competence and professionalism, while also conveying the value of equal opportunity ensuring, whenever possible, gender representation as well as the inclusion of all other

forms of diversity within the panel of candidates, so as to ensure a fair and impartial selection process.
Selection and personnel recruitment processes are governed by a specific policy and procedures developed at global and local level. In 2022, this policy was updated to strengthen the Group’s commitment to implement processes that are transparent, inclusive, and careful, to ensure the retention and development of personnel. In 2023, in further efforts in this direction, the Talent Acquisition department carried out a review of the language to be adopted at each stage of selection in an inclusive perspective, from the description of the job advertisement to the interview stage.
The Internal Job Posting is also part of this process. Each employee, through the dedicated area on the company platform, can apply for open positions that best align with their profile, level of

experience and aspirations, ten days before external publication.
In 2023, at Moncler the positions filled via the Internal Job Posting accounted for 15% at global level, in particular they accounted for about 20% in Europe, 24% in America and 10% in Asia. At Stone Island eight employees benefited from the Internal Job Posting in 2023.
The Group’s attractiveness was confirmed by the significant number of applications that continued to be received in 2023. During the year more than 37,000 curricula (+23% compared to 2022) were submitted via the corporate website, in line with the trend of previous years.
In 2023, the onboarding experience was improved to facilitate the entry of new employees. Through workshops with colleagues from different functions and seniority levels, needs and expectations were identified and refined with respect to the current process.

Collaboration with academia

Of particular importance are the collaborations with leading professional schools, universities and business schools, with whom Moncler has longstanding relationships, including internship programmes for students and new graduates, project development, participation in working groups and visits to corporate sites. Employer branding activities are an excellent opportunity to raise awareness on the Company’s ongoing evolution, increase its attractiveness and reach out to a large number of talented individuals. In order to access to the most diverse talent pool possible, the Moncler Group has identified a panel of universities recognized by the QS Sustainability Ranking for their ability to attract students ensuring a high level of diversity. In 2023, student selection processes were initiated in each Group Region, resulting in the addition of new employees from

the panel of universities.
Each year, Moncler and Stone Island offer various internship opportunities, giving high-potential young people the chance to learn about the business and participate in a training experience. In 2023, approximately 190 internships, both curricular and extra-curricular, were offered at the Group. In particular, young interns from 16 different countries were hosted at Moncler’s Italian corporate offices in 2023. With regard to these two latter categories, 48% of internships that took place in 2023 led to employment contracts.
During 2023, Moncler continued to organise meetings with students from partner schools via digital channels and, only where possible, through physical meetings.
Workshops, business cases and recruitment

sessions were designed for these occasions, based on ad hoc programmes designed for each school. The main schools Moncler partnered with in 2023 were: Cattolica University of Milan, Bocconi University of Milan, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, University of Padua, Politecnico of Milan, Istituto Secoli and IED of Milan, Domus Academy of Milan, Istituto Marangoni and NABA of Milan, Milan Fashion Institute, Luiss of Rome, London Business School and the H-FARM campus. In addition, several technical institutes were identified, including the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Caterina da Siena, the Istituto Usuelli Ruzza and the Istituto Istruzione Superiore Scarpa Mattei, as strategic partners with whom to collaborate in identifying talented individuals with a technical background.


Training plays a key role in the process of people’s development and enhancement. It is a fundamental tool for increasing, stimulating and consolidating individual skills, for fostering constant upskilling of key knowledge needed to support the continuous evolutions of the business, and, lastly, for spreading the Group’s values and strategy, supporting its growth as well as cultural and organisational development. All training initiatives are aimed at professional improvement, providing opportunities for ongoing development and growth for each employee.
In 2023, approximately 2 million euros were invested in training and 305,161 hours of training were delivered (+79% hours compared to 2022) for more than 7,100 employees. During the year, there was considerable involvement of the employees of the retail channel through training programmes, along with a significant increase in on-the-job training courses at production sites. These programmes are designed to strengthen the skills of new recruits, enabling them to acquire new knowledge through observation, practice and direct application during the performance of their tasks. Among the employees involved in training, white-collars made up 51%, followed by workers (28.3%), professionals (11%), managers (7.8%) and executives and senior executives (1.9%). Average hours per capita were 40.6 (about 49 for women and 22 for men), up 50% from 2022.
In 2023 the largest investment related to technical and professional training, which represents 79% of

the courses delivered both to the sales force and to employees at corporate sites. In addition, a high level of commitment in the health and safety training was maintained, accounting for 14% of hours delivered.
Mandatory training continues to play a significant role in the context of corporate training. In Italy, all the Group’s employees are trained on the Legislative Decree 231 Model. An essential module focuses on the Code of Ethics to understand and share the Company’s guiding principles and values with a focus on human rights. Globally, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) e-learning courses continued and cyber security training programmes were launched.
During the year the Moncler Group also continued, both at the Italian corporate sites and at the production site in Romania, to promote training programmes aimed at strengthening the culture of personal health and safety, create awareness of risks in the workplace and provide information necessary for their proper identification and management.
With regard to the legally-required courses on Legislative Decree 81/2008 on Health and Safety, among the others, during the year 42,962 hours were delivered.
Approximately 4,300 hours of human rights training were delivered in 2023. In particular, the Unconscious Bias course continued worldwide to promote a conscious, inclusive organisation.
In the Americas Region and in Japan, e-learning

modules on workplace harassment continued to be delivered in 2023.
In the context of the efforts to promote diversity, the programme on cultural awareness continued.
The aim of the programme is to foster respect for cultural diversity and offer guidance regarding the most appropriate and effective behaviour and communication methods to be adopted with colleagues, partners, clients and individuals from different cultures, such as those of China, America, Korea, Japan and Italy.
All these courses are accessible through MAKE, Moncler Academy for Knowledge and Excellence.
Moncler also continues its partnership with the Italian association Valore D, giving some employees of corporate offices in Italy the opportunity to participate in inter-company courses and workshops. These courses aimed to promote organisational models and develop a corporate culture that supports collaboration and dialogue between different generations, genders and cultures, while also facilitating the use of innovative, flexible tools to increase the degree of well-being and motivation of the employees involved. Also in 2023 Moncler employees continued to be involved in training on various subjects, such as the development of the entrepreneurial spirit of young people, awareness of their role in the Company, the importance of effective communication and the development of managerial skills.


The Moncler Group’s remuneration policy is designed to attract, motivate and retain people with the professional skills necessary for their role within the organisation. It is based on the principles of transparency, fairness and equal opportunities, and takes into account merit, abilities, skills and individual performance, including the level of organisation and responsibilities assigned, as well as dealing with the external market.
As a listed Company, the Remuneration Policy for Group directors and strategic managers is set in accordance with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code, with the involvement of the People & Organisation function, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors and the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.
In the countries in which it operates, the Group offers, without differences between men and women, entry level salaries equal to or above the minimum required by law or collective bargaining, as confirmed by the analysis on the living wage carried out annually for the entire corporate population9, including the production site in Romania, according to the Fair Wage Network methodology. Through an annual salary review process, the Group also promotes the results achieved by its personnel. This is the context for the commitment to obtain, for the Moncler brand, third-party and impartial certification of fair pay by 2025. The first analyses carried out led to obtaining certification for the corporate population of the Moncler brand in Italy.
In addition, the Group has a Global Mobility Policy, which sets out the guidelines at a global level to ensure that employees working abroad receive fair, competitive, incentivising and consistent economic treatment. This Policy is a fundamental tool for regulating international mobility, a pillar of individual development and business success.
More than 85% of the eligible population of professionals, managers, executives and senior executives has a remuneration structure made up of a fixed and a variable component appropriately balanced according to their contributions to the

Company’s strategic objectives. The variable component may be short-term (Management By Objectives) for the store managers and corporate population; a sales commission for retail staff, at both team and individual level; or long-term (Long Term Incentive).
The Management By Objective (MBO) system is based on annual objectives, mainly quantitative, relating to financial performance achieved by the Group (primarily Group consolidated EBIT) and qualitative objectives of significant strategic and operational importance, including those linked to the achievement of the objectives of the Strategic Sustainability Plan. The system, which applies to professionals, managers, executives and senior executives for corporate sites employees and to the store management team, is intended to encourage the achievement of distinctive results through mechanisms that reward over-performance by increasing the value of the bonus that can be awarded, over a certain threshold, where the assigned objectives are exceeded.
In the MBO system, for all those involved in the implementation of the Sustainability Plan are assigned social or environmental objectives as well as internal population engagement objectives. Particular attention is given to the objectives set by the Group to fight against climate change and reduce the impacts in this area. All members of the Strategic Committee, including the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer10, have a percentage of their MBO linked to the achievement of the Group’s strategic sustainability objectives and a target relating to the DE&I topic. Moreover, all managers involved in achieving the targets defined within the Group’s Sustainability Plan have their MBO linked to the fulfillment of results useful for attaining those targets. Particular attention is given to the targets set by the Group to combat climate change and reduce its impacts in this area. In fact, all managers involved in these targets have their MBO directly linked to these goals.
For each beneficiary, the MBO system establishes both collective economic and financial objectives and individual and team objectives focused on the operational and strategic performance of the

department to which they belong, involving several colleagues, as well as project objectives related to the achievement of milestones relevant to the specific function.
Lastly, the MBO system provides for alignment between performance objectives and the management of the risks identified by ERM to spread a culture of risk assessment and management in the employees decision-making process.
As a medium-/long-term incentive system, the Moncler Group currently uses Performance Share Plans for key positions within the management population. These systems allow the incentive process for managers and key resources of the Group to be linked to actual Company’s results, steer people towards strategies aimed at pursuing sustainable medium-/long-term results, align the interests of beneficiaries with those of shareholders and investors and develop policies aimed at attracting and retaining talented professionals.
Since 2020 an ESG Performance Indicator, that entails the achievement of sustainability targets, was introduced for the Performance Share Plans. The 2020 Performance Share Plan focuses on carbon neutrality for all directly managed corporate sites (offices, stores, production sites and logistics hub), on reducing single-use virgin plastic from fossil origin and on the recycling of nylon production scraps. In addition, the 2020 Performance Share Plan entails, as an over-performance criterion, an additional objective that reflects the achievement of a high assessment of the Group’s sustainability performance by one of the leading ESG rating companies, among S&P Global, CDP, MSCI or Sustainalytics. In 2023, the ESG indicator was achieved at the maximum percentage.
Lastly, retail channel employees are provided with incentive systems based not only on individual but also store performance that reward excellence and service quality, along with the contribution to business development.
See also the 2023 Remuneration Report, published in the “Governance” section of the corporate website.


The remuneration package offered to employees includes a wide range of benefits, ranging from life insurance to pension schemes and prevention programmes aimed at improving individuals’ well-being. The benefits offered by the Group to its employees are linked to the professional category to which they belong, regardless the type of contract (fixed/permanent; full time/part time) and follow guidelines applied internationally, with possible changes depending on the local policy of the country of reference.

To develop remuneration policies that not only reward work performance, but also respond in a timely manner to the non-financial needs of its people, Moncler has developed corporate welfare plans, currently in Italy, the United Kingdom and South Korea, to ensure greater care and attention to the well-being of people, who have always been Moncler’s true strategic asset.
In particular, for all Italian employees, these plans apply to categories up to the managers of the corporate sites employed under permanent or apprenticeship contracts, in force at 31 December of each year and provide a wide range of benefits and services, also offered in part to the employee’s

family, from reimbursement of school expenses to vouchers, from leisure solutions to wellness packages.
In Italy, there is also the possibility of transferring a portion of one’s welfare credit to supplementary pension funds, and the Welfare Plan identifies an “access” condition linked to the Group’s profitability.
During the year, in the context of the corporate welfare system, employees at the corporate sites in Trebaseleghe (Padua) who took advantage of the nursery school and kindergarten received a full contribution from the Company: the selected schools welcomed up to 28 children of Moncler employees. In 2023, a kindergarten for employees’ children was also opened at the production site in Romania, accommodating 60 children.
Lastly, Moncler and Stone Island adhere to Sanimoda, the supplementary health care fund for workers in the Italian fashion industry, which provides health care services supplementary to those of Italian’s National Health System. During the year 1,457 Italian employees signed up with the Fund.

In addition, In the first months of 2023, the Group launched CAREPLACE. CAREPLACE is the new portal dedicated to employee wellbeing; with real support to ease the balance between work and personal life. The portal includes three areas: family care, lifestyle, and pet care. within each area, employees can find different modes of services available: on demand services, online group meetings and experts. A specific area related to “mind care” is available, dedicated to those employees who are going through a change, or who are facing a new beginning, experience anxiety or stress, or want to get to know themselves better. Thanks to this program they can rely on a team of psychologists all registered, specialized, and constantly trained. Together with them, they can receive qualified support. In addition, employees can take part in specific mindfulness sessions and art meditation programs. Another area of the portal is dedicated to the “LIFESTYLE” where employees can join fitness classes taking part in free online fitness programs with qualified fitness instructors or participate in group meetings with different professionals in order to Interact, share experiences, and ask questions on the importance of sports.


The identification of the best talents and their retention within the Company is crucial for the Group. To value and develop people, Moncler uses the PIUMA leadership model, an annual performance evaluation system that measures the skills people use to achieve the assigned targets. Based on a robust methodology it measures performance by assessing the level of knowledge, problem-solving ability and impact on the business and leadership, then comparing it with the standard expected for the specific role. This allows to verify the level of adherence of the individual to their role, defining potential training and development plans.
The assessment is based on values of which every employee must be an ambassador and promoter: integrity, passion, harmony with company culture, ability to build trust-based relationships, global vision and the drive towards innovation. In particular, a specific field of assessment on the ability to drive valuable and ethical results for clients through business acumen is present among the dimensions on the basis of which each employee is evaluated; thanks to this field

of assessment, each employee’s compliance with the principles defined in the Code of Ethics is also taken into account.
The evaluation system, which aims to improve business performance, has a medium-to-long-term perspective and is therefore one of the key processes for managing and developing people, defining succession plans and retaining the best talent laying the basis of the salary review process, ensuring equity, equal opportunities, meritocracy and market competitiveness. The employee self-assessment is an important step in the evaluation process. It enables employees to compare the perception of their performance with that of the Company.
In the assessment process, each manager evaluates his or her staff using a digital platform. In addition, where applicable, the functional manager is also involved in the assessment. This assessment is subsequently circulated to and finalised within a committee of senior managers, with the aim of ensuring the comparison and calibration of the assessments, thus making them even fairer and more objective. The process ends

with the sharing of the assessment between the manager and the employee, in a conversation, in which the areas for improvement identified are discussed, the results achieved are emphasised and an action plan to strengthen future performance is shared.
The process is thus structured to include various steps in order to make the performance evaluation system multidimensional.
The assessment process is applied to all organisational roles, both corporate and retail, at a global level, including the worker population in Romania. During the year, 5,837 people were assessed at Group level, 10% more than the previous year, equal to 100%14 of the eligible population.
In addition to this structured annual assessment process, the Group promotes continuous processes of agile conversation between managers and employees throughout the year, allowing them to give and receive constant feedback to raise awareness and review objectives and obstacles to achieving performance.


The Group recognises the importance of employee dialogue and active participation as essential to increase the motivation and satisfaction of its people and thus create strong long-term relationships. The Engagement & Internal Communication department within the People & Organisation function is tasked with the development of strategies, actions and tools for people engagement and promotion of corporate culture. Several initiatives were developed in 2023, all of which sharing some distinctive features: developing collaboration between people, creating opportunities for sharing and knowledge, facilitating the communication of information and creating a shared culture and vision in order to increase team spirit at the Moncler Group.
Also in 2023 the annual people satisfaction survey, MONVoice, was carried out, with the aim of capturing the Company’s positioning with respect to two aspects: employees’ engagement and enablement. By analysing the individual components of each of these two aspects, the Moncler Group identifies the strengths and areas on which to work to increase and improve its overall positioning.
The seventh edition of MONVoice involved 5,816 people worldwide, with a questionnaire of 47 closed questions and an open question asking people for suggestions on the areas of improvement of the Moncler Group and the factors that motivate them.
The main areas of excellence that emerged included “quality and attention to the client”, “respect and recognition” and “the flexibility and availability of managers”. “Collaboration and communication between departments”, while growing, remains the area to be strengthened, together with the Group’s capacity to organise “work in a structured manner and in line with the responsibilities required by the role performed” and the “remuneration and benefits system”.
In order to start a process of improvement for people, starting from the people themselves, results are shared worldwide through internal

communication, as well as through dedicated meetings.
Opportunities for sharing results are key to deepen the data that have emerged and then formulating action plans and improvement projects to meet the entire organisation’s expectations and needs.
Activities aimed at creating contact points between employees and the Group’s top management continued. It continued the Thank Boss It’s Friday!, an initiative launched in 2019 where employees share their curiosities and propose suggestions to top management with a view to open dialogue. In 2022, the format was extended to Stone Island and also launched globally, adapting it to local cultures, inviting Group people to take part in online meetings with the Presidents of the Regions and promoting international groups of participants from different parts of the world. In 2023, approximately 240 people participated in the initiative.
In line with the objective of creating awareness of what is occurring within the Group and setting up opportunities for contact with top management, several meetings were held for all employees, during which they were informed of financial results. These were opportunities set up at the corporate level to explain and celebrate Company results and update the entire corporate population on the most important projects. These initiatives have also been replicated periodically at local level, in order to deepen each Region’s results and targets.

Convinced that corporate volunteering is not only a tool for social responsibility, but also a means of creating a culture of diversity and solidarity, Moncler, since the launch of the first programme in 2018, has partnered with a number of non-profit organisations in activities ranging from environment to social. All employees at sites worldwide can take two days a year to volunteer, choosing from different organisations, types of activities and days.

The project with Legambiente aimed to raise awareness of the environmental impact of the dispersion of waste in nature continued. In the project, the Group’s volunteers actively participated in the campaign for parks and beaches conservation, which were cleaned mainly of plastic materials or invasive plants. In addition, another project was launched, involving the Group’s people in activities to restore and maintain schools and community centres in the cities of Milan, Padua and Modena, Italy.
In 2023, in addition to providing economic support to UNHCR in collaboration with the Fondazione Francesca Rava N.P.H., the Group acted promptly, with the support of Moncler and Stone Island volunteers, to offer its help in restoring the sites affected by the flood in Emilia-Romagna.
Moreover, since 2021 Moncler has invited its people to participate in the Be Warm project, developed together with Officine Buone to provide Italian hospitals, and above all the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (National Cancer Institute) in Milan, their artistic talent, encouraging employees to share their passion for art, painting, photography, digital art and music. The most creative works selected became part of a travelling exhibition in hospitals. For example, in December 2023 the works were exhibited at the Niguarda hospital in Milan. In addition, selected singers and musicians had the opportunity to perform in hospital wards, offering moments of fun and relaxation to doctors and patients.
During the year, numerous initiatives also saw the Regions of the Group engaged in various volunteering activities, from social activities to the cleaning and conservation of natural areas such as parks and beaches.
In 2023, 476 employees participated in these programmes worldwide, for a total of over 2,000 volunteer hours, an increase of 28% compared to 2022.


In 2023 Moncler’s attention on attract, identify and invest in talented young people with a strategic view to develop the next generation of business leaders led to the establishment of numerous partnerships with major Italian and international universities and business schools, as well as with professional and academic institutions.

The partnership with Cattolica University (Milan) continued for a master’s degree programme in Luxury Goods Management (EMLUX). In 2023 Moncler continued to make part of the Group’s management available to teach the omnichannel and digital module of the master’s degree and proposed business case and project activities. Students of various nationalities worked on a project to define a customer journey for a community of Moncler and Stone Island clients, to be presented to management. Several students will be selected for an internship, with the opportunity to continue their experience within the Group.

Together with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the Group participated in the event Fashion & Lifestyle Career Day, allowing a selected group of students to share their CVs and meet with companies in the fashion, retail, beauty, automotive and communication sectors.

Alongside the research group at LUISS University of Rome, Moncler was involved in a project to develop its own Value Proposition. The study involved a class of students through an interactive case study.

The longstanding partnership with Bocconi University of Milan continued, particularly within the Master of Science in ManagementMajor in Fashion & Luxury. The master’s degree students conducted a merchandising analysis on the positioning of product categories in the fashion industry, presenting their discussions to a jury composed of representatives of Moncler’s management. In addition, the Group’s management gave lectures both during the Summer School, a programme for international students ages 17 to 19 from 15 different countries, and MemitMaster in Economics and Management of Transport, Infrastructure and the Supply Chain.

In 2023 collaboration continued with JEstJunior Enterprise, the student association of the University of Padua. Projects were proposed and events organised to get in touch with talented students interested in entering the workplace.

During a company event held in 2023 at the Milan headquarters, the Moncler’s Chief Brand Officer discussed Moncler’s brand strategy with the group of students of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

In Korea, in addition to Woosong College and Jangan University, 12 additional partnerships were established with new universities and internships started for several students. In addition, in 2023 the MONCareer programme continued,

involving students from the Sookmyoung Women’s University in a four-month internship.

In Japan, collaboration was reinforced with major universities and business schools, including Kwansei Gakuin University and Rikkyo University of Tokyo, and new partnerships were launched with the University of Foreign Studies in Kansai, Kyoto and Nagoya, with the Professional Institute of International Fashion of Tokyo and Tokyo Seitoku University. Collaboration mainly concerned training activities in fashion retail courses and were aimed at launching an internship programme at the main Moncler boutiques. In 2023, 36 internships were activated at the Aoyama boutique, Namba, Kobe and the Ginza flagship store.

In Europe, in collaboration with the Glion Institute of Higher Education, the Les Roches International School of Hotel Management and the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne, digital career days were organised with the aim of identifying new resources to be included at the Moncler Ski Resorts. A summer internship selection event was also organised involving students from the French business school IÉSEG School of Management to be placed in stores in Paris. Finally, three students from the Grenoble Ecole de Management were selected after a day at the Champs-Elysées flagship store in Paris.


MAKEPlatform is the platform accessible to all employees, where people can find not only training contents, e-learning courses, articles and webinars, but also interact with their community at all times. New training plans were introduced on MAKEPlatform and existing programmes were enriched, with the implementation of a specific editorial plan.

This plan aims to provide updated, consistent content focused on four main areas of learning: Remote Working, Management, Leadership and Personal Effectiveness.
MINE, a new platform designed as a tool for sharing information and facilitating networking between colleagues globally,

was launched in 2022. It is an app that keeps all Moncler corporate and retail employees up-to-date on business initiatives and news through training, news and games. Through MINE, employees can connect with all their colleagues worldwide and share their experiences at the company.


MAKE, Moncler Academy for Knowledge and Excellence, is a learning ecosystem for personal development of Moncler and Stone Island people in terms of knowledge and skills, but also of mental approach, working methods and organisational awareness.
Starting from the needs of the business, the MAKE aarchitecture was designed to build a learning culture in which people are, with the sponsorship of their supervisors, aware of their own growth and able to identify their own needs, while also developing the ability to learn from daily work.


In 2023, various programmes were delivered through MAKE:


Building Leadership

The Building Leadership Training Programme is a training programme for the development and enhancement of leadership skills within the organisation. In 2023 the initiative involved 39 employees from corporate sites, for approximately 740 hours, with diverse skills and backgrounds and was divided into six workshops focusing on topics such as leadership, importance of feedback, ability to delegate, stress management, conflict management and effective communication. Participants were also invited to understand and reflect on inclusive leadership by deepening the topic of diversity and inclusion within the company.

An individual coaching programme was also offered to participants in order to reinforce the ability to apply the concepts learned. The programme, which in 2022 was extended to employees in the EMEA Region, involved 72 managers from the Japan Region’s Corporate and Retail functions in 2023.


Makers Lab
To ensure that areas of training are firmly tied to business needs, top management plays a key role in identifying training needs and identifying Makers, i.e. internal Subject Matter Experts who can spread knowledge and best practices on specific topics.
During the year, the Makers Lab, also extended to employees in other countries in which the Group operates, involved 18 internal experts, the Makers, who shared their knowledge of specific activities, processes and tools with other colleagues. This programme was consolidated in 2023, with 38 training sessions for a total of over 1,400 hours.


Moncler Academy for Technical Excellence (MATE) and Stone Island Atelier Project
MATE is a specialist training course, launched in 2022, dedicated to the recent graduates of technical and professional schools with a duration of two years. MATE aims to train professionals to operate in the production of samples, prototyping

and quality control, with a complete vision of the process of creation of a down jacket. The art of the outerwear is the focus of the training programme: from the strict quality and sustainability requirements for the raw materials to the final control of the finished product, to the know-how relating to manufacturing and the down-filling techniques. The same programme, renamed Stone Island Atelier Project, has been launched for Stone Island.
In 2023, the third edition of the program was launched, involving 14 participants for a total of over 20,500 hours of professional training. During the year, the training course was enriched and revised according to a more structured approach, becoming a full-fledged academy with qualified, highly specialised internal teachers. The training approach adopted aims not only to improve the skills of recent graduates, but also to strengthen the corporate culture based on the sharing of knowledge and competencies, as well as the sense of craftsmanship.
The Pattern Making School training programme has been in place at the production site in Romania since 2018, with the aim of increasing skills among Moncler’s personnel and thus strengthening certain departments such as modelling, CAD, development and placements through the training and recruitment of local students.


In 2023, as part of the expansion of the production hub, which involved an investment of around 10 million euros, Moncler announced the opening of a kindergarten for the children of employees in Romania.
The initiative reinforces Moncler’s presence as a major local employer and confirms the company’s commitment to improving the well-being and work-life balance of its employees by providing their children with an advanced learning space.
The Moncler kindergarten, which welcomes children ages two to six, offers an innovative learning experience based on one of the most internationally renowned teaching approaches developed by the Reggio Children organisation.

This innovative approach fosters an environment that encourages children’s potential and promotes experiential learning through interactions, autonomy, exploration and communication.
The architecture, the design of the spaces and the furnishings of the school recreate the idea of an open atelier that stimulates children’s knowledge and creativity. All educational activities are carried out according to a multilingual approach, in Romanian, English and Italian, to allow children to learn in a natural way and stimulate the multicultural dimension. Family involvement is key to designing a tailor-made learning journey. Educators work closely with parents through regular meetings and workshops

on well-being and nutrition to ensure continuity between children’s school and home experiences.
The kitchen also pays particular attention to the origin and seasonal nature of products, involving children in activities related to the preparation of some meals to develop their personal autonomy.
The Moncler kindergarten obtained WELL “gold” certification in early 2024, the world’s leading building certification programme with the highest standards of health and well-being. The project adheres to the most innovative protocols and policies that promote health, safety and well-being, based on several factors, including the quality of light, water and air, energy efficiency, interior comfort and the quality of food offered.


The MONCampus Talent Programme is a development programme dedicated to high-potential Group’s employees. It is a knowledge-sharing journey, designed to facilitate and accelerate the personal and professional growth of talented young people at Moncler and Stone Island. The one-year programme aims to provide a comprehensive vision of the Group and its operations, increase the knowledge of the technical aspects relating to each function and develop managerial and project skills through an interactive and experiential method.

The third edition of MONCampus ended in July 2023. The 24 participants were asked to develop various projects with the support of internal tutors with the aim of acquiring tools and knowledge related to the project themselves. During 2024, the programme has been expanded worldwide, involving people with potential in the Regions as well. Over the years, the program has delivered tangible benefits for the Group, not only by rapidly enhancing the skills of high-potential employees but also by significantly improving their retention rates.

Participants of this program gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Group’s investment in their development, which fosters greater loyalty compared to their peers of similar rank and age who do not participate. In fact, the turnover rate for employees who completed the latest MONCampus program was 8 percentage points lower than that of their peers. This positively impacts the business, particularly in terms of future growth for which these individuals will play a crucial role.


8 Refers to all employees, including those who left the Group during the year who benefited from at least one training course in 2023.

9 In 2023, employees in all countries in which the Group operates receive an average salary in excess of the living wage.

10 The ratio between the total remuneration received by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (including the fair value of the medium-/long-term incentive component) for 2023 to the overall median remuneration (including fixed and variable components) of Group employees is equal to 271:1 (216:1 in 2022). In 2023, the ratio of the percentage increase of the total annual compensation for the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer to the median of the total annual percentage increase for all employees (excluding the highest paid individual) was 6.3.

11 Including in addition to the Moncler Corporate Welfare Plan, also the kindergarten and other child services.

12 Includes benefits such as company car, transport or accommodation allowances.

13 Includes free access to the gym, fitness classes and other initiatives.

14 The percentage was calculated on the 2023 eligible workforce employed under permanent contract, the database on which the 2023 assessment process was implemented.