The Moncler Group regards the promotion of health and safety as a key priority of its way of doing business in order to protect employees, clients, contractors and all those who enter its sphere of influence.
The Moncler Group operates in full compliance with the requirements of specific regulations applicable in the countries in which it operates, with an approach aimed at continuous improvement.
At the Moncler and Stone Island headquarters, a
team of specialised personnel (Health and Safety Staff) is responsible, at global level, for ensuring workplaces that are safe and that comply with applicable legislation, setting health and safety guidelines, coordinating monitoring efforts and, where necessary, improving safety conditions, supervising the activities of designers and architects and maintaining relations with the safety representatives of Italian workers.
Every employee plays a key role. Spreading a culture of safety and individual responsibility, as
well as creating risk awareness, are indeed pivotal to maintaining a safe working environment.
A great deal of attention is also paid to the safety of workers and contractors that work at Group sites. In Italy, all business relations with contractors require the signing of a document attesting the assessment of risks associated with conducting business at the company (interference risks) and the application of strict prevention in activities involving risks.
Among the initiatives developed by the two Group brands for the protection and promotion of health and safety in the workplace is the implementation and application of an effective management system in compliance with the highest health and safety standards. In this regard, the Moncler Group’s commitment is detailed in the Occupational Health and Safety Management Policy, reviewed and approved by the Group’s Board of Directors and circulated to all employees worldwide. The Policy sets out the principles and
guidelines to be applied in all the areas of activity and includes:
• a dynamic, preventive evaluation of activities, allowing risks to be eliminated at roots and, where this is not possible, to be reduced according to the best available techniques
• continuous improvement in all activities with a safety impact by defining and prioritising specific action plans
• enhancement of knowledge, competence and awareness of all employees through targeted training and practices.
The Group’s health and safety management system is overseen by the Chief Corporate & Supply Officer, who is responsible for its implementation. In addition, the Group’s Board of Directors receives quarterly updates on the management of health and safety issues from the managers in charge.
In 2023, the Group obtained the renewal of ISO 45001 health and safety management system certification at global level for all offices, directly operated stores, logistics hubs and production sites, unifying the two Brands’ certification.
The Moncler Group devotes considerable attention and energy to managing occupational health and safety to limit accidents as much as possible.
Although there are no high-risk activities, the Group adopts a preventive approach. Before the opening of a new workplace, whether an office or store, a thorough health and safety risk assessment is carried out through specific inspections conducted with the support of specialised experts. Existing offices and stores are subject to various periodic compliance checks, through documentary analysis and inspections (verification of working environments and equipment). If necessary, an improvement plan is formulated, with actions prioritised to address the risks identified and the integration of the action plans with quantified objectives. Progresses made in the mitigation and prevention of health and safety issues and identified risks with regard to the goals of the improvement plan are periodically assessed and reported internally.
A specific, detailed emergency response plan with measures for preparedness and response to emergency situations is also provided for each Group site.
During 2023, occupational health and safety inspections continued at the Moncler and Stone Island corporate sites in Italy, the logistics hub in Castel San Giovanni (Piacenza) and the production site in Romania. In light of these inspections, carried out by both internal staff and external bodies, specific activities were undertaken to reduce the risks for workers, such as the installation of manipulators at the raw materials warehouse in Ravarino (Modena), in order to reduce manual handling of loads.
All employees of the Moncler Group and service providers most exposed to workplace safety risk, such as security, cleaning, porterage and maintenance companies, are covered by the company health and safety management system, which involves audits conducted by internal functions and external bodies.
In Italy, the Group organises periodic safety meetings, in which representatives of the two
Brands participate, along with the company physicians, the officers of the prevention and protection service and workers’ safety representatives. During the meetings, analyses and results are shared with regard to risk assessment, accident rate, training and the personal protective equipment used.
Lastly, the Group’s health and safety management system also includes specific procedures for investigating injuries, occupational diseases, illness or accidents at work in order to identify the circumstances and possible causes and, if necessary, plan and prioritise actions and initiatives to prevent their recurrence in the future.
In 2023, various activities focused on health and safety prevention continued, including: careful management of workspaces, ongoing communication and awareness-raising activities, monitoring the correct application of improvement initiatives for employees and for those of the service provider that manages the logistics hub in Castel San Giovanni (Piacenza), and contractual sharing and adoption of high standards of health and safety management, in line with those set out in the Group’s Code of Ethics and Supplier Code of Conduct, as well as in the relevant legislation, by partners and suppliers.
Moncler’s accident rate trend in the three-year period 2021-2023 is due to the partial operation that characterised many of the company functions with a higher accident risk profile in 2021 due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2022 these functions resumed full operation, with accident rate returning to levels similar to pre-pandemic ones.
In 2023 Moncler continued its commitment to monitoring accident rates for the employees of the service provider that manages the logistics hub in Castel San Giovanni (Piacenza), which in 2020 received the SA8000 certification with the aim of ensuring optimal working conditions. The severity rate at the logistics hub was 0.27 in 2021, 0.12 in 2022 and 0.10 in 202318, whereas the frequency rate was 8.41 in 2021, 10.38 in 2022 and 3.66 in
2023. In addition, monitoring was extended to other service providers deemed most at risk of safety for whom no accident was recorded, with a total frequency rate for all monitored suppliers of 5.90 in 2021, 7.90 in 2022 and 4.06 in 2023.
In line with its efforts to continuously improve the management of health and safety, the Group is committed to reduce the incidence rate registered in 2023 at least by 5% in 2024.
No fatal incidents were recorded, either among employees or contractors.
Occupational diseases, i.e. diseases caused by a gradual and progressive harmful effect on the worker’s body, in a direct causal relationship with the work carried out, are monitored by the Group in order to identify the conditions of working environments that may have facilitated them, check for any residual risks and take the necessary corrective actions, in order to prevent them from recurring. In addition, in Italy, personnel exposed to specific risk factors continued to undergo periodic health checks through specific health protocols, formulated on the basis of risk, along with any additional specialist visits as needed.
All indicators relating to accident indicators are constantly monitored and assessed.
Moncler and Stone Island take an inclusive approach to employee well-being, focusing attention on work-related stress issues. In 2022 Moncler renewed its assessment of work-related stress at corporate sites in Milan: for all offices, the results of this assessment showed a low risk. This assessment will be updated in 2024. Despite the “low” risk obtained, in 2024 the Company will continue to implement a series of actions aimed at implementing a process of continuous improvement: the stress assessment was used as a basis for the planning and implementation of organisational or management measures aimed at preventing or minimising stress-related harm on worker health.
This assessment was also carried out at Moncler production site in Romania and at the Stone Island sites in Milan and Ravarino (Modena), also found to have a “low” risk level.
People training is part of the prevention activity promoted by the Moncler Group. During 2023, approximately 43,000 hours of health and safety training were delivered. Specific training courses, dedicated and customised on the basis of the various professional profiles and risk levels, were launched in order to transfer
the appropriate knowledge, skills and values for “working safely”.
The majority of employees have received general workplace safety training in compliance with the law. For those at the Company who occupy positions of responsibility and coordination, additional training has been provided, specific to
officers, to facilitate the monitoring and compliance of workers with conduct in line with the legal and company’s health and safety rules.
In addition, a health and safety course with content specific to store employees continued to be provided to all Group stores.
The Moncler Group’s commitment to the promotion and protection of the health of its employees extends beyond the limits of its business activities and occupational risks. This is the meaning and purpose of the various initiatives relating to training and information on prevention organised during the year.
The Moncler Group is committed to sign agreements with local clinics to ensure employees have access to the best medical centres at the lowest rates. In 2023 a dedicated psychological consultation service continued to be made available to employees at Moncler’s sites in Italy.
In addition, the Group participates in a supplementary health care fund for workers in the Italian fashion industry, which provides services supplementary to those of the Italian’s National Health System. During the year, 1,457 employees registered with the fund.
In 2023, the traditional company welfare initiatives continued at the production site in Romania. Moncler has always put in place various
activities to promote the health and well-being of employees in Romania: from offering annual blood tests directly on site, to conducting free eye tests, to helping to purchase eyeglasses. The evaluation on the ergonomics of some workstations in the ironing department, needed to formulate improvement plans to reduce staff fatigue and maximise productivity, was extended to the sewing department during the year. Lastly, new LED lighting systems, which are more environmentally efficient and contribute to improving working conditions, continued to be installed.
Another issue that Moncler and Stone Island regularly monitor is noise in workplaces, which can cause a range of health problems for workers. In particular, at all corporate offices and the production site in Romania, noise measurements are carried out annually to check compliance with the permitted limits in each area.
Air quality, temperature and humidity can also generate uncomfortable situations in the
workplace, affecting both physical health and the psychological well-being of workers. Specifically, the Moncler Group, in order to ensure proper workplace ventilation at the corporate sites in Trebaseleghe (Padua) and Romania and at the Stone Island site in Ravarino (Modena), where there are various micro-climatic conditions due to different processing phases, continued to carry out efficiency upgrade projects involving the installation of latest-generation ventilation systems, which are periodically checked.
The Moncler Group’s commitment to the well-being of its employees includes various programmes that promote work flexibility and the best work-life balance.
The Group also helps both men and women balance their professional and private lives by offering flexible working hours that can be tailored to personal needs and Moncler has introduced for the employees of its headquarters the possibility of working from home, where applicable.
18 Considering both commuting and workplace accidents, the severity rate was 0.50 in 2021, 0.12 in 2022 and 0.10 in 2023.
19 Incidence rate: (number of workplace accidents/total number of employees) x 1,000
20 Severity rate: (number of days lost due to workplace accidents/total number of hours worked) x 1,000.
21 Frequency rate: (number of accidents/total number of hours worked) x 1,000,000.